
Why Are My Knees Making Sounds?

Why Are My Knees Making Sounds?

Knee pain issues are becoming more and more common today. Let alone our old grandmas and grandpas, even young adults in the age group of 30s and 40s are now facing knee pain issues! Young adults are also succumbing to reduced mobility because of their knees giving way. We get tired so soon, and just want to sit down to give our knees a break. All these are warning signs; and if you don’t visit a reliable orthopaedic surgeon in Kota at the earliest, you can be sure that you are a possible candidate for a future knee replacement!

Sound in the knees – is there a possibility of arthritis?

Sound from the knees is another warning sign that you should pay immediate attention to. When we stand up after sitting for a long time, or when we start walking after standing for some time, we may hear a cracking or popping sound in or around the knee joint. We may generally avoid these sounds as being something normal because we don’t experience any pain, difficulty, or discomfort in the area. But, remember that even if there is no pain or inconvenience caused, any such sound may be a warning sign of upcoming knee issues. In fact, more than 10% of people who experience noise in their knees develop arthritis symptoms in the near future. So, even if you experience even the slightest or least frequent noise in your knee, make sure you approach a specialist at the earliest. Remember that a simple noise now may mean joint deterioration in the future, making you a prime candidate for a total knee replacement surgery!

You could be safe!

However, a popping or cracking sound doesn’t “always” mean an upcoming arthritis. So, don’t get too nervous if your knees click. Don’t jump to conclusions on your own, before approaching a specialist. Many times, the sound may be a result of only friction between the bone and cartilage. So, a sound never always means a big problem. But, it is always better to be safe, isn’t it? And, to be even safer, it is advisable to have an active lifestyle. Join some sports or enthusiastic activity that has you working on your knees regularly. Don’t just sit there and break the couch. Give your knees some simple exercises to do to keep them happy and active, reducing the likeliness of requiring a surgery in the future.

Do you require a surgery?

Nevertheless, even if it is too late, and you have already become a victim of knee problems requiring a surgery, worry not! If you are in the hands of an orthopaedic surgeon in Kota working at Maitri Hospital, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. The team of skilled and experienced surgeons will use the most advanced techniques, and possibly cementless knee replacement surgery, to reduce your pain, quicken the surgical time, reduce your healing time, and minimize scarring, while brining effective outcomes for a lifetime! This includes not only the treatment of knee replacements, but many other orthopaedic conditions like hip replacement, crushed injury repair, club foot surgery, major amputation, bone grafting, and tendon lengthening

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